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Welcome to the Royal Commission website (Auslan)

  • Auslan translation
Publication date

This Auslan video explains how to find your way around the Royal Commission website, and how you can get involved in our work.

Welcome to the Royal Commission website

Welcome to the website for the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.

I'm Alex.

This video will help you find what you need on our website.

At the Disability Royal Commission we have three main focus areas:

  • To hear about people’s experiences
  • To investigate problems within systems
  • To consult with the community, do research, and  develop recommendations for change

Here's how you can get involved.

If you want to share your experience with us, visit Share your story.

In this section you can:

  • Make and send us a submission. You can do this in any way you feel comfortable – including email or video.

Or you can:

  • Apply for a private session. This is when you share your experience with a Commissioner confidentially.

There is lots of information in this section about how you can share your story with us.

If you want to find out about our public hearings, visit Public hearings.

We hold public hearings to look at problems within systems such as education or health.

We stream all our public hearings live on this website. Our public hearings will be live captioned and have Auslan-English interpreters.

If you want to come and watch a hearing you can find information in this section.

If you want to get involved in our policy and research, visit Policy & research.

We publish issues papers on important topics, such as the criminal justice system, or healthcare. 

You can give us feedback on these issues papers. Find out more in this section.

If you need support with the difficult feelings you have because of the Disability Royal Commission, you can get information on services to help you in the Counselling & support section. 

This section also includes contact details for legal services.

If you want to stay up to date with what’s happening at the Disability Royal Commission, visit the News & media section. Here you will find our latest media releases and ways you can follow us on social media.

If you are looking for a report, a paper or public hearing document, you can find it quickly by going straight to the Document library.

If you need to contact us, you can find our contact details here.