What Australia Told Us - National Information Sessions
The Disability Royal Commission held a series of information sessions titled What Australia Told Us! to engage people with disability, their families, carers, advocates, and other stakeholders in understanding the Royal Commission's work to date. The face to face events will be held in each state and territory and online sessions for people to learn about what we have heard about violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of people with disability.
The sessions provided information to the community on our work to date, including:
How people engaged with us.
Ways people shared their experiences.
What we learnt from people who participated in private sessions and submissions.
- How you can stay informed.
Please note that these events were not an opportunity to discuss final report recommendations or findings. Rather, we want to share the major themes we have heard from the community throughout the course of our inquiry.
Video transcript
What Australia Told Us! Online sessions
Hello, my name is Alex Jones. I work here at the Disability Royal Commission.
We’ve launched a series of information sessions called ‘What Australia Told Us!’
These sessions are for Deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing people as well as the disability community, their families, carers, advocates and other stakeholders to understand our work to date.
Face-to-face events have closed but we are running two online sessions – anyone can register.
These online events will have a Deaf presenter with Auslan interpreters and live captioning.
When? Monday 19 June 10.30am – 12.30pm and Thursday 22 June 5.00pm – 7.00pm.
These online sessions are for the community to learn what we have heard about people with disability and their experience of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation.
These sessions will provide information on our work, including:
how people engaged with us
ways people shared their experiences
what we learnt from people who took part in private sessions and made submissions
how you can stay informed.
Please understand that these events are not an opportunity to discuss final report recommendations or findings.
We want to share the major themes we have heard from the community throughout our inquiry.
To register go to our website, www.disability.royalcommission.gov.au. Then type ‘what Australia told us national information sessions’ into the search function.
Look forward to seeing you there!