EXHIBIT 33-052 - QLD.9999.0068.0059 - Annexure N - Emails between Cheryl Vardon, CEO and Principal Commissioner, QFCC, to and office of Hon. Yvette D'ath MP, Attorney-General and Minister for Justice 23 August 2023 Exhibit
EXHIBIT 33-051 - QLD.9999.0068.0058 - Annexure M - Systems Review - 2020/2 [redacted] - Consultation log 23 August 2023 Exhibit
EXHIBIT 33-049 - QLD.9999.0068.0055 - Annexure K - Letter from C. Vardon, CEO and Principal Commissioner, QFCC to Hon. S. Fentiman MP, Attorney General and Minister for Justice, Women, the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence 23 August 2023 Exhibit
EXHIBIT 33-048 - QLD.9999.0068.0053 - Annexure J - Letter from Cheryl Vardon, CEO and Principal Commissioner, QFCC to Martin Hoffman, CEO, NDIA 23 August 2023 Exhibit
EXHIBIT 33-047 - QLD.9999.0068.0051 - Annexure I - Letter from Cheryl Vardon, CEO and Principal Commissioner, QFCC to Tony Cook, Director-General, Department of Education 23 August 2023 Exhibit
EXHIBIT 33-046 - QLD.9999.0068.0049 - Annexure H - Letter from Cheryl Vardon, CEO and Principal Commissioner, QFCC to Katarina Carroll, Commissioner, Queensland Police Service 23 August 2023 Exhibit
EXHIBIT 33-045 - QLD.9999.0068.0047 - Annexure G - Letter from Cheryl Vardon, CEO and Principal Commissioner, QFCC to Dr John Wakefield PSM, Director-General, Queensland Health 23 August 2023 Exhibit
EXHIBIT 33-044 - QLD.9999.0068.0045 - Annexure F - Letter from Cheryl Vardon, CEO and Principal Commissioner, QFCC to Deidre Mulkerin, Director-General, Department of Child Safety 23 August 2023 Exhibit
EXHIBIT 33-043 - QLD.9999.0068.0043 - Annexure E - Letter from Cheryl Vardon, CEO and Principal Commissioner, QFCC to Clare O'Connor, Director-General, Department of Disability Services 23 August 2023 Exhibit