EXHIBIT 33-070 - QLD.9999.0071.0009 - Attachment C - Letter from QFCC to Department of Disability Services re request for information QFCC systems review 23 August 2023 Exhibit
EXHIBIT 33-069 - QLD.9999.0071.0003 - Attachment B - Role description for Executive Director, Inclusion, Programs and Strategy, Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships 23 August 2023 Exhibit
EXHIBIT 33-066 - QLD.9999.0070.0001 - Attachment A - Curriculum Vitae of Hayley Stevenson 23 August 2023 Exhibit
EXHIBIT 33-059 - QLD.9999.0068.0071 - Annexure U - Letter from Hon. S. Fentiman MP, Attorney General and Minister for Justice, Minister for Women, the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence to C. Vardon, CEO and Principal Commissioner, QFCC 23 August 2023 Exhibit
EXHIBIT 33-058 - QLD.9999.0068.0070 - Annexure T - Letter from Hon. Yvette D'ath MP, Attorney-General and Minister for Justice to Cheryl Vardon, CEO and Principal Commissioner, QFCC 23 August 2023 Exhibit
EXHIBIT 33-057 - QLD.9999.0068.0069 - Annexure S - Letter from Hon. Yvette D'ath MP, Attorney-General and Minister for Justice to Cheryl Vardon, CEO and Principal Commissioner, QFCC 23 August 2023 Exhibit
EXHIBIT 33-056 - QLD.9999.0068.0066 - Annexure R - QFCC System Review 2/20020: Brief to the Attorney-General 23 August 2023 Exhibit
EXHIBIT 33-055 - QLD.9999.0068.0064 - Annexure Q - Letter from Cheryl Vardon, CEO and Principal Commissioner, QFCC, to Hon. Yvette D'ath MP, Attorney-General and Minister for Justice 23 August 2023 Exhibit
EXHIBIT 33-054 - QLD.9999.0068.0063 - Annexure P - Except of Chairperson of Child Death Review Board speaking notes 23 August 2023 Exhibit
EXHIBIT 33-053 - QLD.9999.0068.0061 - Annexure O - Letter from Cheryl Vardon, CEO and Principal Commissioner, QFCC, to Hon. Yvette D'ath MP, Attorney-General and Minister for Justice 23 August 2023 Exhibit