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Responses to the Restrictive practices issues paper

The Royal Commission reads and carefully considers all documents and information it receives, regardless of whether or not that information is published. If the Royal Commission publishes documents, they may be  published with parts that are redacted (blacked out). This is to ensure that the Royal Commission complies with its legal obligations and to address privacy concerns. The Royal Commission is not required to publish all documents and information it receives.

The issues paper responses published here are not endorsed by the Royal Commission. They are published without comment by the Royal Commission on the material contained in them. This includes in cases where responses contain material which may fall within the scope of federal, state or territory parliamentary privilege.

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Date Submitted by Document
Relationships Australia National ISS.001.00475
SA Health ISS.001.00452
Mental Health Victoria ISS.001.00453
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners ISS.001.00456
Dr Leslie Gan ISS.001.00458
Baptist Care SA - Aboriginal Services ISS.001.00470
Anonymous ISS.001.00471
Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect) ISS.001.00472
Advocacy Tasmania Inc ISS.001.00473
VIC Office of the Public Advocate ISS.001.00474
Philip Hodges ISS.001.00450
University of Melbourne Social Equity Institute ISS.001.00476
Kudos Services ISS.001.00478
People with Disabilities (WA) Inc ISS.001.00481
NT Office of the Public Guardian ISS.001.00482
Uniting (NSW and ACT) ISS.001.00483
NSW Ageing and Disability Commission ISS.001.00484
Melbourne East Disability Advocacy Inc (MEDA) ISS.001.00485
Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA) ISS.001.00488
Office of the Public Guardian (Qld) ISS.001.00503
Lancaster Consulting Australia ISS.001.00403
Anonymous ISS.001.00212
Anonymous ISS.001.00222
Anonymous ISS.001.00287
Madeleine Hayward ISS.001.00343
Anonymous ISS.001.00344
Dementia Australia ISS.001.00393
Lifestart Cooperative Ltd ISS.001.00399
Benevolent Society ISS.001.00401
Speech Pathology Australia ISS.001.00402
Anonymous ISS.001.00203
Occupational Therapy Australia ISS.001.00404
Centre for Inclusive Education ISS.001.00407
Lojic Institute ISS.001.00408
NSW Trustee and Guardian (Office of the Public Guardian NSW) ISS.001.00411
Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia ISS.001.00428
Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia (A4) ISS.001.00433
Monash University ISS.001.00434
Western Sydney Local Health District ISS.001.00441
Australian Association of Special Education (NSW) ISS.001.00447