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Responses to the Employment issues paper

The Royal Commission reads and carefully considers all documents and information it receives, regardless of whether or not that information is published. If the Royal Commission publishes documents, they may be  published with parts that are redacted (blacked out). This is to ensure that the Royal Commission complies with its legal obligations and to address privacy concerns. The Royal Commission is not required to publish all documents and information it receives.

The issues paper responses published here are not endorsed by the Royal Commission. They are published without comment by the Royal Commission on the material contained in them. This includes in cases where responses contain material which may fall within the scope of federal, state or territory parliamentary privilege.

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Date Submitted by Document
Victorian Government ISS.001.00717
Women with Disabilities Australia (WWDA) ISS.001.00383
Mission Australia ISS.001.00382
Activ Foundation ISS.001.00391
Qld Department of the Premier and Cabinet ISS.001.00396
Children's Tumor Foundation of Australia ISS.001.00398
Australian Centre for Disability Law ISS.001.00409
breakthru Ltd ISS.001.00427
Anonymous ISS.001.00438
Australia Post ISS.001.00445
National Disability Services (NDS) ISS.001.00448
AHRC ISS.001.00459
Down Syndrome Australia ISS.001.00469
Australian Government background paper ISS.001.00502
Bedford Phoenix Incorporated (Bedford Group) ISS.001.00509
NSW Public Service Commission ISS.001.00247
Dr Ann Nevile ISS.001.00330
YWCA ISS.001.00353
Aspergers Victoria ISS.001.00377
Job Support ISS.001.00378
National LGBTIQ Health Alliance ISS.001.00384
Anonymous ISS.001.00386
Mental Health Australia ISS.001.00461
Mental Health Victoria ISS.001.00468
CYDA ISS.001.00490
Dementia Australia ISS.001.00354
Anonymous ISS.001.00176
NAB ISS.001.00234
Anonymous ISS.001.00284
Diversity Council Australia ISS.001.00310
AED Legal Centre ISS.001.00313
Dr Ariela Meltzer ISS.001.00335
Centre of Research Excellence Disabilty and Health (CREDH) ISS.001.00341
Independent Advisory Council to the NDIS ISS.001.00342
Anonymous ISS.001.00345
Good Sammy Enterprises ISS.001.00348
Arts Access Australia ISS.001.00349
Office of the Commmissioner for Public Employment ISS.001.00351
Deafness Forum of Australia ISS.001.00175
Queensland University of Technology ISS.001.00355
Equal Opportunity Commission, SA ISS.001.00356
KPMG ISS.001.00360
University of Sydney ISS.001.00361
Anonymous ISS.001.00395
MAX Solutions ISS.001.00340
Blind Citizens Australia ISS.001.00347
Vision Australia ISS.001.00350
Greenacres ISS.001.00359
Western Australian Association for Mental Health (WAAMH) ISS.001.00362
Limbs 4 Life ISS.001.00373