Public hearing 22 - Day 3 You are here Home Public hearings Public hearing 22 - Day 3 Date 13 April 2022 Some statements and exhibits may have been subject to updates in oral evidence, please check transcript. Hearing Public hearing 22: The experience of people with disability working in Australian Disability Enterprises Exhibits EXHIBIT 22-006 - STAT.0526.0001.0001 - Statement of Myron Mann EXHIBIT 22-006.01 - BED.9999.0001.0001 - Organisation chart EXHIBIT 22-006.02 - BED.9999.0001.0002 - Bedford Investment Policy EXHIBIT 22-006.03 - BED.9999.0001.0005 - List of top 10 customers EXHIBIT 22-006.04 - BED.9999.0001.0010 - Defined terms EXHIBIT 22-006.05 - BED.9999.0001.0017 - Analysis of major business unit customers EXHIBIT 22-006.06 - BED.9999.0001.0025 - Employee Personal Details Form EXHIBIT 22-006.07 - BED.9999.0001.0027 - Pre-Training and Placement, Health Assessment EXHIBIT 22-006.08 - BED.9999.0001.0033 - List of disabilities declared by supported employees EXHIBIT 22-006.09 - BED.9999.0001.0037 - List of supports EXHIBIT 22-006.10 - BED.9999.0001.0040 - Site overview EXHIBIT 22-006.11 - BED.9999.0001.0049 - HR14 Supported Employment Recruitment Policy EXHIBIT 22-006.12 - BED.9999.0001.0054 - Job Dictionary examples EXHIBIT 22-006.13 - BED.9999.0001.0056 - Case studies EXHIBIT 22-006.14 - BED.9999.0001.0057 - Submission by Bedford to DSS EXHIBIT 22-006.15 - BED.9999.0001.0060 - Bedford Employee Wage Tool EXHIBIT 22-006.16 - BED.9999.0001.0063 - Page 3 of BEWT example - Packaging EXHIBIT 22-006.17 - BED.9999.0001.0064 - Employee Wage Review form EXHIBIT 22-006.18 - BED.9999.0001.0066 - HR05 Employee Work Assessments Policy & Procedure EXHIBIT 22-006.19 - BED.9999.0001.0070 - ITP Process Guide EXHIBIT 22-006.20 - BED.9999.0001.0084 - Template letter to supported employees regarding wage assessment EXHIBIT 22-006.21 - BED.9999.0001.0085 - COR-28 Management of Client Complaints EXHIBIT 22-006.22 - BED.9999.0001.0088 - Employment Induction Handbook EXHIBIT 22-006.23 - BED.9999.0001.0117 - Making a Complaint at Bedford EXHIBIT 22-006.24 - BED.9999.0001.0133 - Service Delivery Review Form EXHIBIT 22-006.25 - BED.9999.0001.0137 - List of training and professional development opportunities EXHIBIT 22-006.26 - ISS.001.00509 - Bedford Phoenix response to Employment Issues Paper EXHIBIT 22-006.27 - BED.9999.0002.0001 - Bedford Employee Enterprise Agreement EXHIBIT 22-007 - STAT.0528.0001.0001 - Statement of Laurie Leigh and Kerrie Langford EXHIBIT 22-007.01 - NDS.9999.0001.0001 - Fair Work Commission Full Bench's observations on the Supported Employment Sector Award Review EXHIBIT 22-007.02 - NDS.9999.0001.0004 - Disability at Work 2017 'Unleashing Potential' Conference Brochure EXHIBIT 22-007.03 - NDS.9999.0001.0016 - Disability at Work 2018 'The Next Frontier' Conference Brochure EXHIBIT 22-007.04 - NDS.9999.0001.0023 - Disability at Work Summit 2019 'More than just a job' Conference Brochure EXHIBIT 22-007.05 - NDS.9999.0001.0031 - Disability at Work/Workability International Virtual Conference 2020 Program EXHIBIT 22-007.06 - NDS.9999.0001.0035 - Disability Employment Horizons 'Bringing our vision to life' Program 2021 EXHIBIT 22-007.07 - NDS.9999.0001.0036 - Vision Survey 2020-2021 Data Analysis EXHIBIT 22-007.08 - NDS.9999.0001.0041 - Industry Vision for the Supported Employment Sector - National Disability Services EXHIBIT 22-007.09 - NDS.9999.0001.0043 - Assessing the impact of increasing wage costs on Australian Disability Enterprises' KPMG Report EXHIBIT 22-007.10 - NDS.9999.0001.0066 - The Production Output Gap document EXHIBIT 22-008 - STAT.0521.0002.0001 - Statement of Debbie Mitchell, Deputy Secretary - Disability and Carers EXHIBIT 22-008.01 - CTD.5000.0006.0319 - DM2-1 - Analysis of Wage Assessment Tools used by Business Services EXHIBIT 22-008.02 - CTD.5000.0006.0189 - DM2-2 - Analysis of Wage Assessment Tools used by Business Services EXHIBIT 22-008.03 - CTD.5000.0006.0864 - DM2-3 - Disability Employment National Panel of Assessors Program Terms and Conditions EXHIBIT 22-008.04 - CTD.5000.0006.0082 - DM2-4 - Disability Employment Assistance Standard Grant Agreement EXHIBIT 22-008.05 - CTD.5000.0006.0045 - DM2-5 - Disability Employment Assistance Grant Opportunity Guidelines EXHIBIT 22-008.06 - CTD.5000.0006.0059 - DM2-6 - Disability Employment Assistance Operational Guidelines EXHIBIT 22-008.07 - CTD.5000.0006.0126 - DM2-7 - Disability Employment Continuity of Support Grant Agreement EXHIBIT 22-008.08 - CTD.5000.0006.0146 - DM2-8 - Disability Employment Continuity of Support Operational Guidelines EXHIBIT 22-008.09 - CTD.5000.0006.0165 - DM2-9 - Disability Employment Continuity of Support Grant Opportunity Guidelines EXHIBIT 22-008.10 - CTD.5000.0006.0791 - DM2-11 - Evaluation of the Modified Supported Wage System Trial Final Report EXHIBIT 22-008.11 - CTD.5000.0006.0564 - DM2-13 - CRRS and Hotline Policies and Procedures Manual EXHIBIT 22-008.12 - CTD.5000.0006.0924 - DM2-14 - Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Australian Government response EXHIBIT 22-008.13 - CTD.5000.0006.0099 - DM2-10 - Disability Employment Continuity of Support Audit and Compliance Strategy (V10.0) EXHIBIT 22-008.14 - CTD.5000.0006.0783 - DM2-12 - Community Grants Hub Assessments Team Processing SWS Applications Quick Reference Guide EXHIBIT 22-009 - STAT.0523.0001.0001 - Statement of Gerrie Mitra, General Manager - Provider and Markets EXHIBIT 22-009.01 - CTD.8000.0036.2740 - GM2-1 - NDIS, 'Supported employment under the NDIS Industry Information and Consultation Paper' EXHIBIT 22-009.02 - CTD.8000.0036.2730 - GM2-2 - 'Frequently Asked Questions for providers of Supported Employment supports funded by the National Disability Insurance Scheme' EXHIBIT 22-010 - STAT.0523.0002.0001 - Supplementary statement of Gerrie Mitra, General Manager - Provider and Markets EXHIBIT 22-011 - STAT.0525.0001.0001 - Statement of Sandra Parker PSM