Public hearing 9 - Day 4 You are here Home Public hearings Public hearing 9 - Day 4 Day 4 Date 10 December 2020 Hearing Public hearing 9: Pathways and barriers to open employment for people with disability Exhibits EXHIBIT 9-019 - STAT.0299.0001.0001 - Statement of Kit Owen-Turner EXHIBIT 9-020 - STAT.0295.0001.0001 - Statement of Riley EXHIBIT 9-021 - STAT.0301.0001.0001 - Statement of John Baxter EXHIBIT 9-022 - STAT.0302.0001.0001 - Statement of Suzanne Colbert EXHIBIT 9-022.01 - EXP.0061.0001.0001 - Curriculum vitae of Suzanne Colbert EXHIBIT 9-022.02 - EXP.0061.0001.0204 - Australian Network on Disability Submission EXHIBIT 9-022.03 - EXP.0061.0001.0036 - Australian Network on Disability Constitution EXHIBIT 9-022.04 - EXP.0061.0001.0004 - Deloitte Access Economics: The economic benefits of increasing employment for people with disability EXHIBIT 9-022.05 - EXP.0061.0001.0078 - Australian Network on Disability: Disability Confidence Survey EXHIBIT 9-022.06 - EXP.0061.0001.0093 - Westwood Spice, 'Stepping Into Evaluation: Australian Network on Disability', Final Report EXHIBIT 9-022.07 - EXP.0061.0001.0125 - Department of Jobs and Small Business on behalf of the Collaborative Partnership for Improving Work Participation, 'Employer Mobilisation Final Research Report - a study of people involved in the hiring EXHIBIT 9-022.08 - EXP.0061.0001.0220 - Australian Network on Disability Access & Inclusion Index Benchmark Report 2019 - 2020 EXHIBIT 9-023 - EXP.0062.0001.0015 - Outline of evidence of Professor Buchanan and Associate Professor Jennifer Smith-Merry EXHIBIT 9-023.01 - EXP.0062.0001.0010 - Curriculum vitae of Professor Buchanan EXHIBIT 9-023.02 - EXP.0062.0001.0001 - Curriculum vitae of Associate Professor Smith-Merry EXHIBIT 9-023.03 - EXP.0062.0001.0022 - J. Buchanan, J. Smith-Merry, I. Yen, A. Drinkwater, B. Smith, 'Disadvantage, disability and vocational education and training: A research report', Sydney: Centre for Disability Research and Policy EXHIBIT 9-023.04 - ISS.001.00361 - Response to Employment Issues Paper by University of Sydney