Public Hearing 11 - Day 5 You are here Home Public hearings Public Hearing 11 - Day 5 Day 5 Date 22 February 2021 Hearing Public hearing 11: The experiences of people with cognitive disability in the criminal justice system Exhibits EXHIBIT 11-017.01 - STAT.0276.0001.0001 - Written statement of Tom Langcake EXHIBIT 11-017.02 - NTT.0003.0010.0001 - Forensic Disability Unit, Department of Health, Clinical Governance Framework: Forensic Disability Unit (Report, 15 July 2020) (Annexure TL-1) EXHIBIT 11-017.03 - NTT.0003.0010.0049 - [redacted], Part 1 Full day workshop: Forensic Disability Unit [Winmartie]: Behaviour Support Plan & Engagement Training (Training presentation, March 2020) (Annexure TL-2) EXHIBIT 11-017.04 - NTT.0003.0010.0135 - Forensic Disability Unit, Department of Health, [Winmartie] Person Centred Support Package (Package Presentation, 5 October 2020) (Annexure TL-3) EXHIBIT 11-017.05 - NTT.0003.0010.0262 - Restrictive Interventions from 1 May 2018 to 30 December 2020 CTH-NTG-00114 Schedule F (Record, undated) (Annexure TL-4) EXHIBIT 11-017.06 - NTT.0003.0010.0193 - Department of Health, PRN - Seizure Management Protocol (M8) (Protocol, 10 August 2020) (Annexure TL-5) EXHIBIT 11-017.07 - NTT.0003.0010.0195 - Department of Health, M7 PRN - Chemical Restraint Protocol (Protocol, 16 September 2020) (Annexure TL-6) EXHIBIT 11-017.08 - NTT.0003.0010.0197 - Department of Health, Medication Administration Summary Chart (M2) (Chart, July 2019) (Annexure TL-7) EXHIBIT 11-017.09 - NTT.0003.0010.0200 - Fernando, Dr Anthony, Alice Springs Hospital (Report, 11 September 2020) (Annexure TL-8) EXHIBIT 11-017.10 - NTT.0003.0010.0203 - Emails between [redacted] et al, 15 and 16 September 2020 (Annexure TL-9) EXHIBIT 11-017.11 - NTT.0003.0010.0025 - Emails between [redacted] et al, 17 and 18 September 2020 (Annexure TL-10) EXHIBIT 11-017.12 - NTT.0003.0010.0028 - Emails between [redacted] et al, 17 and 18 September 2020 (Annexure TL-11) EXHIBIT 11-017.13 - NTT.0003.0010.0030 - [Winmartie's] Weekly Schedule (Timetable, 14 December 2020) (Annexure TL-12) EXHIBIT 11-017.14 - NTT.0003.0010.0032 - [redacted], Annexure TL-13: [Winmartie's] Risk Management Travel Plan: Alice Wells Trip (Banduma) on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th December 2020. (Memorandum/Plan, 30 November 2020) EXHIBIT 11-017.15 - NTT.0003.0010.0210 - [redacted] and [redacted], Behaviour Support Plan - Interim (Plan, 27 July 2020) (Annexure TL-14) EXHIBIT 11-017.16 - NTT.0003.0010.0259 - Cth-NTG-00114 - Schedule 1 - Complaints in relation to cultural appropriateness (Record, undated) (Annexure TL-15) EXHIBIT 11-018.01 - STAT.0269.0001.0001 - Written statement of Professor Catherine Stoddart (no 1) EXHIBIT 11-018.02 - STAT.0275.0001.0001 - Written statement of Professor Catherine Stoddart (no 2) EXHIBIT 11-018.03 - NTT.0003.0008.0001 - National Framework for Reducing and Eliminating the Use of Restrictive Practice sin the Disability Service Sector (Policy Note/Paper, undated) (Annexure CS-33) EXHIBIT 11-018.04 - NTT.0003.0003.0103 - Department of Health, NT Health position on Review of Forensic Mental Health and Disability Services within the Northern Territory Final Report (Report, September 2019) (Annexure CS-30) EXHIBIT 11-018.05 - NTT.0003.0003.0006 - David McGrath Consulting, Report on the review of Forensic Mental Health and Disability Services within the Northern Territory (Report, January 2019) (Annexure CS-29) EXHIBIT 11-018.06 - STAT.0092.0001.0001 - Written statement of Catherine Stoddart