Health care, Sydney - Day 9 You are here Home Public hearings Health care, Sydney - Day 9 Day 9 Date 28 February 2020 Location Sydney Hearing Public hearing 4: Health care and services for people with cognitive disability Exhibits EXHIBIT 4-007 - STAT.0058.0001.0001 - Statement of Giuseppina Cinzia Porte (Jo Abi) EXHIBIT 4-033 - STAT.0046.0001.0001 - Statement of Evelyn Scott OAM EXHIBIT 4-034 - STAT.0062.0001.0001 - Statement of Margot Elliffe EXHIBIT 4-041 - EXP.0019.0002.0661 - J Watson, 'The role of speech-language pathology in supporting legal capacity', (2019), vol 21(1), Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech Language Pathology, pp 25-28. EXHIBIT 4-042 - EXP.0019.0002.0001 - Australian Law Reform Commission, 'Equality, Capacity and Disability in Commonwealth Laws', (Final Report, 7 June 2013). EXHIBIT 4-043 - EXP.0019.0002.0259 - Law Reform Commission, 'Review of the Guardianship Act 1987 (NSW)', (Report, 15 August 2018). EXHIBIT 4-044 - EXP.0018.0002.0071 - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Australia's health expenditure: an international comparison (Report, 2019). EXHIBIT 4-045 - EXP.0018.0002.0087 - Primary Health Networks, 'PHNs and General Practice' EXHIBIT 4-046 - EXP.0018.0002.0091 - Productivity Commission, An Ageing Australia: Preparing for the Future, Research Paper (2013) EXHIBIT 4-047 - EXP.0018.0002.0120 - Productivity Commission, Shifting the Dial, (Report no. 84, 2017) EXHIBIT 4-048 - EXP.0018.0002.0001 - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (Cth), Health Expenditure Australia (Report, 2017-18) EXHIBIT 4-049 - EXP.0018.0002.0375 - Medical Deans Australia and New Zealand, Student Statistics Report (Report, 2017-2018) EXHIBIT 4-050 - EXP.0014.0001.0091 - J Trollor and J Small, 'Health inequality and people with intellectual disability - Research Summary' (Report, 2017) EXHIBIT 4-051 - EXP.0017.0002.0406 - Weise et al, 'Primary health care for people with an intellectual disability: an exploration of consultations, problems identified, and their management in Australia' (2017) Journal of Intellectual Disability Research EXHIBIT 4-052 - EXP.0017.0002.0001 - Trollor, Weise and Eagleson, 'Renewal of Medical and Nursing Intellectual Disability Curriculum' (Report, 2020) EXHIBIT 4-053 - EXP.0017.0002.0238 - J Trollor et al., 'Intellectual disability content within tertiary medical curriculum: How is it taught and by whom?' (2018) (18) BMC Medical Education. EXHIBIT 4-054 - DRC.1000.0003.7065 - J Trollor et al., 'Cause of death and potentially avoidable deaths in Australian adults with intellectual disability using retrospective linked data' (2017) 7 BMJ Open. EXHIBIT 4-055 - EXP.0015.0002.0563 - J Florio and J Trollor, 'Mortality among a cohort of persons with an intellectual disability in NSW, Australia' (2015) 28 Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 383 - 393. EXHIBIT 4-056 - EXP.0015.0002.0605 - J Trollor and A Ching, 'The Guide: Accessible Mental Health Services for People with an Intellectual Disability: A guide for providers' (Report, 2014). EXHIBIT 4-057 - EXP.0015.0002.0683 - J Trollor et al., 'Intellectual disability health content within medical curriculum: an audit of what our future doctors are taught' (Report, 2016). EXHIBIT 4-058 - EXP.0015.0002.0692 - J Trollor et al., 'Intellectual disability content within pre-registration nursing curriculum: How is it taught?' (2018) 69 Nursing Education Today 48-52. EXHIBIT 4-059 - CTD.7200.0001.0060 - Salomon and Trollor, 3DN, UNSW, 'Scoping Review of Causes and Contributors to Deaths of People with Disability in Australia 2013-2019 - Findings' (2019) EXHIBIT 4-060 - CTD.7200.0001.0037 - Salomon and Trollor, 3DN, UNSW, 'Scoping Review of Causes and Contributors to Deaths of People with Disability in Australia 2013-2019 - Summary of Key Findings' (2019) EXHIBIT 4-061 - CTD.7200.0001.0046 - Salomon and Trollor, 3DN, UNSW, 'Scoping Review of Causes and Contributors to Deaths of People with Disability in Australia 2013-2019 - Summary of Recommendations' (2019) EXHIBIT 4-062 - EXP.0014.0002.0031 - Australian Association of Developmental Disability Medicine, 'Goals and Aims', (Web Page) EXHIBIT 4-063 - EXP.0014.0001.0194 - P Heslop et al., 'The Confidential Inquiry into premature deaths of people with intellectual disabilities in the UK: a population-based study' (2014) 383 Lancet 889. EXHIBIT 4-064 - EXP.0014.0001.0096 - NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation, Intellectual Disability Health Network - Building capability in NSW health services for people with intellectual disability: the Essentials (Report, 2017) 7, 16. EXHIBIT 4-065 - EXP.0014.0004.0001 - H Beange, A McElduff and W Baker, 'Medical disorders of adults with mental retardation: A population study' (1995) 99(6) American Journal on Mental Retardation 595 - 604. EXHIBIT 4-066 - EXP.0014.0001.0155 - NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation, Say Less, Show More (Web page) EXHIBIT 4-067 - EXP.0014.0002.0044 - Emeritus Professor Richard Henry AM, Review of health services for children, young people and families within the NSW Health system (Report, 2019). EXHIBIT 4-068 - EXP.0014.0001.0168 - Australian Government, Department of Health, Roundtable on the Health of People with Intellectual Disability: Summary and recommendations (Report, 2 August 2019) [CTD.0001.1000.0125, NSW.0016.0192.0001] EXHIBIT 4-069 - EXP.0014.0001.0082 - Emerson and Hatton, 'Applying a health inequalities perspective' (2014) EXHIBIT 4-070 - EXP.0014.0001.0047 - Australian Association of Developmental Disability Medicine, Strategic Plan 2017 - 2022 (Report, 4 May 2017) EXHIBIT 4-071 - EXP.0014.0002.0034 - J Simpson and N Lennox, 'Position statement on the health of people with intellectual disability' (Report, 2015) NSW Council for Intellectual Disability & Inclusion Australia, and AADDM EXHIBIT 4-072 - EXP.0014.0001.0191 - Australian Association of Developmental Disability Medicine, Submission to Senate Committee regarding the accessibility and quality of mental health services in rural and remote Australia (9 May 2018). EXHIBIT 4-073 - EXP.0014.0003.0038 - Health Equity Policy Statement, Public Health Association of Australia (Report, 2016). EXHIBIT 4-074 - EXP.0014.0003.0001 - Australian Association of Developmental Disability Medicine, The Importance of Physical and Mental Health for People with intellectual Disabilities in the Criminal Justice System (Report, May 2017). EXHIBIT 4-075 - EXP.0014.0005.0141 - Van Schrojenstein Lantman-De Valk HM et al., 'Health problems in people with intellectual disability in general practice: a comparative study' (2000) 17(5) Family Practice 405 - 7. EXHIBIT 4-076 - EXP.0014.0001.0220 - K Brameld et al, 'Use of health services in the last year of life and cause of death in people with intellectual disability: a retrospective matched cohort study' (2018) 8 BMJ Open; EXHIBIT 4-077 - EXP.0014.0005.0132 - S Reppermund et al. 'Health and wellbeing of people with intellectual disability in NSW, Australia: a data linkage cohort' (2019) 9 BMJ Open. EXHIBIT 4-078 - EXP.0014.0005.0001 - M Shin, JE Kucik JE and A Correa, 'Causes of death and case fatality rates among infants with down syndrome in metropolitan Atlanta' (2007) 79(11) Birth Defects Research A Clin Mol Teratol, 775 - 780 EXHIBIT 4-079 - EXP.0014.0005.0126 - AP Presson et al., 'Current estimate of Down Syndrome population prevalence in the United States' (2013) 163(4) Journal of Paediatrics 1163 - 1168 EXHIBIT 4-080 - EXP.0014.0005.0162 - C Simoes and S Santos, 'The Quality of Life Perceptions of People with Intellectual Disability and their proxies' (2016) 41(4) J Intellectual and Developmental Disability 311 - 323. EXHIBIT 4-081 - EXP.0014.0004.0255 - The Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Transition of Young People with Complex and Chronic Disability Needs from Paediatric to Adult Health Services (Report, 2014) EXHIBIT 4-082 - EXP.0014.0004.0260 - The Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Transition to adult health services for adolescents with Chronic conditions (Position Statement) EXHIBIT 4-083 - EXP.0014.0005.0144 - E Biggs and E Carter, 'Quality of Life for Transition Age Youth with Autism or Intellectual Disability' (2016) J Autism and Developmental Disorders 190 - 204. EXHIBIT 4-084 - EXP.0014.0004.0011 - Queensland Centre for Intellectual and Developmental Disability, Comprehensive Health Assessment Program (CHAP) (Web Page, 2016) EXHIBIT 4-085 - EXP.0014.0004.0013 - National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, Transition from Children's to Adults' services for young people using health or social care services (Report, February 2016). EXHIBIT 4-086 - EXP.0014.0004.0231 - NSW Ministry of Health, 'Service framework to improve the health care of people with intellectual disability' (Report, July 2012) EXHIBIT 4-087 - EXP.0014.0001.0201 - NSW Council for Intellectual Disability, The health of people with intellectual disability (Report, 2019). EXHIBIT 4-088 - EXP.0017.0002.0173 - N Lennox et al., 'Effects of a comprehensive health assessment programme for Australian adults with intellectual disability: a cluster randomized trial' (2007) 36(1) International Journal for Epidemiology 139 - 146. EXHIBIT 4-089 - EXP.0017.0002.0164 - N Lennox et al 'Cluster randomized controlled trial of interventions to improve health for adults with intellectual disability who live in private dwellings' (2010) JARID EXHIBIT 4-090 - EXP.0017.0003.0001 - Office of the Public Advocate, Upholding the right to life and health: A review of the deaths in care of people with disability in Queensland. A systemic advocacy report (Report, 2016) EXHIBIT 4-091 - EXP.0014.0001.0180 - Australian Association of Developmental Disability Medicine, Submission to Independent Hospital Pricing Authority: Pricing Framework for Australian Public Hospital Services (25 July 2014). EXHIBIT 4-092 - EXP.0014.0005.0093 - Australian Association of Developmental Disability Medicine, Submission regarding the Medicare Benefits Schedule Review Taskforce (Submission, September 2015). EXHIBIT 4-093 - EXP.0014.0005.0017 - US Department of Health and Human Services, 'Closing the Gap: A National Blueprint for Improving the Health of Individuals with Mental Retardation' (Report, 2002) EXHIBIT 4-094 - EXP.0017.0002.0257 - UK Department of Health, 'Valuing people: A new strategy for learning disability for the 21st century.' (Report, 2001) EXHIBIT 4-095 - EXP.0017.0002.0187 - N Lennox et al, 'A health advocacy intervention for adolescents with intellectual disability: a cluster randomised controlled trial' (2016) 58(12) Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 1265. EXHIBIT 4-096 - EXP.0017.0002.0213 - N Lennox et al, 'Enhancing self-determination in health: results of an RCT of the Ask Project, a school-based intervention for adolescents with intellectual disability' (2017) JARID EXHIBIT 4-097 - EXP.0017.0002.0181 - N Lennox, T Rey-Conde and N Cooling, 'Comprehensive health assessments during de-institutionalisation: An observational study' (2006) 50(1) Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 719. EXHIBIT 4-098 - EXP.0017.0002.0156 - N Lennox and J Diggens, 'Medical education and intellectual disability: A survey of Australian medical schools' (1999) 24(4) Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability 333-340. EXHIBIT 4-099 - EXP.0017.0002.0249 - N Lennox et al., 'Intellectual disability health content within nursing curriculum: An audit of what our future nurses are taught' (2016) Nurse Education Today 45. EXHIBIT 4-100 - EXP.0017.0002.0229 - B Perera and K Courtenay, 'Mental health services for people with intellectual disability in the United Kingdom. Advances in mental health and intellectual disabilities.' 12(3) (2018). EXHIBIT 4-101 - EXP.0017.0002.0418 - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Wen X. 'The Definition and Prevalence of Intellectual Disability in Australia' (1997). EXHIBIT 4-102 - EXP.0017.0002.0195 - Maulik et al, 'Prevalence of intellectual disability: a meta-analysis of population-based studies.' (2011) 32 Research in Developmental Disabilities 419-36. EXHIBIT 4-103 - EXP.0017.0003.0122 - Victorian Department of Health and Human Services, Victorian population health survey of people with an intellectual disability (Report, 2013). EXHIBIT 4-104 - EXP.0014.0005.0159 - AH Bittles et al, 'The influence of intellectual disability on life expectancy' (2002) 57(7) J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. EXHIBIT 4-105 - EXP.0015.0002.0574 - S Durvasula. H Beange and W Baker, 'Mortality of people with intellectual disability in Northern Sydney' (2002) 27(4) Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability 255-264. EXHIBIT 4-106 - DRC.1000.0001.2838 - Council of Australian Governments, '2010 - 2020 National Disability Strategy' (Report, 2011) EXHIBIT 4-107 - EXP.0016.0001.2318 - Social Policy Research Centre, Review of Implementation of the National Disability Strategy 2010-2020 (Report, August 2018). EXHIBIT 4-108 - EXP.0016.0001.0928 - CID, 'Proposal for specialist resources to enhance the capacity of the mainstream health system to provide equitable and cost effective health care to people with intellectual disabilities' (May 2006) EXHIBIT 4-109 - EXP.0016.0001.0812 - Council for Intellectual Disability, 'End deadly disability discrimination - campaign win' (Web Page) EXHIBIT 4-110 - EXP.0016.0001.0713 - NSW Ministry of Health, Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2016 - 2019 (Report, 2016) [NSW.0016.0022.0001, NSW.0016.0188.0001] EXHIBIT 4-111 - EXP.0016.0001.0960 - Mental Health Commission of New South Wales, Living well: A strategic plan for mental health in NSW 2014 - 2024 (Report, 2014) [NSW.0017.0004.0001] EXHIBIT 4-112 - EXP.0016.0001.0001 - National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission, A healthier future for all Australians - final report (Report, 27 July 2009). EXHIBIT 4-113 - EXP.0016.0001.1102 - NSW Council for Intellectual Disability, 'Medicare Locals and people with intellectual disability: Fact sheet 1 for Medicare Locals' EXHIBIT 4-114 - EXP.0016.0001.1104 - NSW Council for Intellectual Disability, 'Medicare Locals and people with intellectual disability: Fact sheet 2 for Intellectual disability groups EXHIBIT 4-115 - EXP.0016.0001.0404 - Australian Department of Health and Ageing, 'Concept of Operations: Relating to the introduction of a Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record System' (Report, 2011) EXHIBIT 4-116 - EXP.0014.0005.0097 - NSW Council for Intellectual Disability, National Roundtable on the Mental Health of People with Intellectual Disability: Communique (Report, 22 May 2013), EXHIBIT 4-117 - EXP.0016.0001.0678 - NSW Council for Intellectual Disability, Some steps up the mountain: Audit report on action from the National Roundtable on the Mental Health of People with Intellectual Disability (Report, November 2014) EXHIBIT 4-118 - EXP.0016.0001.0611 - NSW Council for Intellectual Disability, Recommendations from the National Roundtable on the Mental Health of People with Intellectual Disability 2018: Communique (Report, 22 May 2018), EXHIBIT 4-119 - EXP.0016.0001.2234 - Council of Australian Governments, The Fifth National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan (Report, 2017). EXHIBIT 4-120 - EXP.0016.0001.2080 - Elise Worthington, 'People with intellectual disabilities twice as likely to suffer preventable death, study finds', ABC News (2017) EXHIBIT 4-121 - EXP.0016.0001.0672 - Mental Health Commission of New South Wales, Community Advisory Council - Terms of Reference (27 April 2018) EXHIBIT 4-122 - EXP.0016.0001.1147 - NSW Ministry of Health, Annual report 2016 - 2017 (Report, October 2017) EXHIBIT 4-123 - EXP.0016.0001.1405 - NSW Ministry of Health, Annual report 2017 - 2018 (Report, October 2018) EXHIBIT 4-124 - EXP.0016.0001.1665 - NSW Ministry of Health, Annual report 2018 - 2019 (Report, October 2019) EXHIBIT 4-125 - EXP.0016.0001.0564 - Commonwealth Department of Health, Australian Government Response to Contributing Lives, Thriving Communities - Review of Mental Health Programmes and Services (Report, 2015) EXHIBIT 4-126 - EXP.0016.0001.2084 - Commonwealth Department of Health, PHN Primary Mental Health care flexible funding pool programme guidance (Report, 2019) 6 EXHIBIT 4-127 - EXP.0016.0001.2070 - Council for Intellectual Disability, 'Our Health Counts', Our Campaigns (Web Page). EXHIBIT 4-128 - EXP.0016.0001.0941 - Jim Simpson, CID and Inclusion Australia, 'The Health of People with Intellectual Disability: Budget and Federal election 2019 - Commitments sought from Australian political parties' (Report, February 2019). EXHIBIT 4-129 - EXP.0016.0001.2055 - Council for Intellectual Disability, 'Open letter to parties contesting the federal election 2019' (Web Page, 25 March 2019) EXHIBIT 4-130 - EXP.0016.0001.1106 - Commonwealth Department of Health, 'National roadmap for improving the health of Australians with intellectual disability' (Web page, 04 October 2019) EXHIBIT 4-131 - DRC.1000.0002.9317 - Productivity Commission, Disability care and support - Overview and Recommendations (Report, 31 July 2011). EXHIBIT 4-132 - EXP.0016.0001.0300 - NSW Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care, Health care - policy and procedures (March 2007). EXHIBIT 4-133 - EXP.0016.0001.1135 - NSW Family and Community Services, Health and wellbeing policy (January 2016). EXHIBIT 4-134 - EXP.0016.0001.1108 - National Disability Insurance Scheme, 'Disability-related health supports', Supports funded by the NDIS (Web page, 1 November 2019) EXHIBIT 4-135 - EXP.0016.0001.0903 - Council for Intellectual Disability, 'Hard to Swallow - Campaign win' (Web Page) EXHIBIT 4-136 - EXP.0016.0001.1111 - NDIS Q&S Commission, 'Providing a safe environment for NDIS Participants' (Web Page) EXHIBIT 4-137 - EXP.0016.0004.0001 - Commonwealth Department of Health, Consumer and Carer Engagement and Participation (Programme Guidance, 2019) EXHIBIT 4-138 - EXP.0016.0005.0001 - Commonwealth Department of Health, Low Intensity Mental Health Services for Early Intervention (Programme Guidance, 2019) EXHIBIT 4-139 - EXP.0016.0004.0026 - Commonwealth Department of Health, 'Stepped Care: PHN Primary Mental Health Care Flexible Funding Pool Programme Guidance' EXHIBIT 4-140 - EXP.0016.0001.0712 - Commonwealth Department of Health, PHN Background (Web Page) EXHIBIT 4-141 - EXP.0016.0001.0709 - Commonwealth Department of Health, 'Health care homes' (Web Page) EXHIBIT 4-142 - NSW.0015.0001.0001 - Department of Ageing, Disability & Home Care, 'Review of Clinical Nurse Specialist Model of Health Care Case Support' (Draft Review). EXHIBIT 4-143 - EXP.0016.0003.0001 - NSW Council for Intellectual Disability, 'When ADHC stops & the NDIS starts - what happens to vital intellectual disability health services' EXHIBIT 4-144 - EXP.0015.0002.0001 - UNSW, Department of Developmental Disability Neuropsychiatry, Annual Report - 2015 (Report, 2015) EXHIBIT 4-145 - EXP.0015.0002.0051 - UNSW, Department of Developmental Disability Neuropsychiatry, Annual Report - 2016 (Report, 2016) EXHIBIT 4-146 - EXP.0015.0002.0116 - UNSW, Department of Developmental Disability Neuropsychiatry, Annual Report - 2017 (Report, 2017) EXHIBIT 4-147 - EXP.0015.0002.0158 - UNSW, Department of Developmental Disability Neuropsychiatry, Annual Report - 2018 (Report, 2018) EXHIBIT 4-148 - EXP.0015.0002.0221 - UNSW, Department of Developmental Disability Neuropsychiatry, 3DN Strategic Plan: 2016 - 2021 (Report, 2013) EXHIBIT 4-149 - EXP.0015.0002.0233 - UNSW, Department of Developmental Disability Neuropsychiatry, 3DN Strategic Plan: 2013 - 2015 (Report, 2013) EXHIBIT 4-150 - EXP.0015.0002.0249 - United Nations, 'Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 13 December 2006' (Sixty-first session, 24 January 2007) EXHIBIT 4-151 - EXP.0015.0002.0278 - D Kinnear, et al., 'Prevalence of physical conditions and multimorbidity in a cohort of adults with intellectual disabilities with and without Down syndrome: cross-sectional study' (2017) BMJ Open. EXHIBIT 4-152 - EXP.0015.0002.0287 - A Cashin, 'A scoping review of what is known of the physical health of adults with autism spectrum disorder' (2016) 22(1) Journal of Intellectual Disabilities 96 - 108. EXHIBIT 4-153 - EXP.0015.0002.0300 - SA Cooper et al., 'Mental ill-health in adults with intellectual disabilities: prevalence and associated factors' (2007) 190 The British Journal of Psychiatry 27 EXHIBIT 4-154 - EXP.0015.0002.0310 - S Einfeld, L Ellis and E Emerson, 'Comorbidity of intellectual disability and mental disorder in children and adolescents: A systematic review' (2011) 36(2) Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability 137. EXHIBIT 4-155 - EXP.0015.0002.0318 - V Morgan, 'Intellectual disability co-occurring with schizophrenia and other psychiatric illness: population-based study' (2008) 193 The British Journal of Psychiatry 364-372. EXHIBIT 4-156 - EXP.0015.0002.0327 - E Simonoff, 'Psychiatric Disorders in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Prevalence, Comorbidity and Associated Factors in a Population-Derived Sample' (2008) JAACAP. EXHIBIT 4-157 - EXP.0015.0002.0336 - A Lever and H Geurts, 'Psychiatric Co-occurring Symptoms and Disorders in Young, Middle-aged and Older adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder' (2016) 46 Journal of Autism Development Disorder 1916. EXHIBIT 4-158 - EXP.0015.0002.0351 - M Uljarevic et al., 'Anxiety and Depression from Adolescence to Old Age in Autism Spectrum Disorder' (2019) Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. EXHIBIT 4-159 - EXP.0015.0002.0362 - R Cvejic, et al., 'Neuropsychiatric profile and psychotropic medication use in adults with autism spectrum disorder: results from the Australian Longitudinal Study of Adults with Autism' (2018) BJPsych Open 461. EXHIBIT 4-160 - EXP.0015.0002.0368 - D Hedley et al., 'Risk and protective factors underlying depression and suicidal ideation in Autism Spectrum Disorder' (2017) Wiley Online Library 648-657. EXHIBIT 4-161 - EXP.0015.0002.0378 - SA Cooper, 'Multiple physical and mental health comorbidity in adults with intellectual disabilities: Population-based cross-sectional analysis' (2015) BMC Family Practice. EXHIBIT 4-162 - EXP.0015.0002.0389 - Janet Robertson et al., 'Prevalence of epilepsy among people with intellectual disabilities: A systematic review' (2015) Seizure 29 46. EXHIBIT 4-163 - EXP.0015.0002.0406 - Janet Robertson et al., 'Prevalence of Dysphagia in People with Intellectual Disability: A Systematic Review' (2017) 55(6) Intellectual and developmental disabilities 377 - 391. EXHIBIT 4-164 - EXP.0015.0002.0421 - J Schoufour, 'Development of a frailty index for older people with intellectual disabilities: Results from the HA-ID study' (2013) 34 Research in developmental disabilities 1541 - 15555 EXHIBIT 4-165 - EXP.0015.0002.0436 - S Shooshtari, 'Prevalence of Depression and Dementia among Adults with Developmental Disabilities in Manitoba, Canada' (2011) International Journal of Family Medicine. EXHIBIT 4-166 - EXP.0015.0002.0445 - F Laid and R Williams, 'A prospective study of Alzheimer disease in Down synrome' (1989) 849. EXHIBIT 4-167 - EXP.0015.0002.0450 - Emerson and Hatton, 'Contribution of socioeconomic position to health inequalities of British children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities' (2007) 112(2) American Journal on Mental Retardation 140 - 150. EXHIBIT 4-168 - EXP.0015.0002.0461 - A Cashin and C Newman, 'Autism in the criminal justice detention system: A review of the literature' (2008) 5 Journal of Forensic Nursing 70 - 75. EXHIBIT 4-169 - EXP.0015.0002.0467 - L Salvador-Carulla and S Symonds, 'Health services use and costs in people with intellectual disability: building a context knowledge base for evidence-informed policy' (2016) 29 Neurodevelopmental disorders 89. EXHIBIT 4-170 - EXP.0015.0002.0473 - M Tregnago and N Cheak-Zamora, 'Systematic review of disparities in health care for individuals with autism spectrum disorders in the United States' (2012) 6 Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 1023 - 1031. EXHIBIT 4-171 - EXP.0015.0002.0490 - S Reppermund, 'Factors associated with death in people with intellectual disability' (2019) Journal of applied resolution of intellectual disability 1 - 10. EXHIBIT 4-172 - EXP.0015.0002.0500 - S Einfeld, 'Psychopathology in young people with intellectual disability' (2006) 296(16) JAMA 1981. EXHIBIT 4-173 - EXP.0015.0002.0510 - L Bishop-Fitzpatrick and Amy Kind, 'A scoping review of Health disparities in Autism Spectrum disorder' (2017) Journal of Autism Development Disorder 3380. EXHIBIT 4-174 - EXP.0015.0002.0522 - S Deb, 'International guide to prescribing psychotropic medication for the management of problem behaviours in adults with intellectual disabilities' (2009) World Psychiatry 181 - 186. EXHIBIT 4-175 - EXP.0015.0002.0528 - C Salomon, 'Primary care for people with an intellectual disability - what is prescribed? An analysis of medication recommendations from the BEACH dataset' (2018) BJGP Open 1. EXHIBIT 4-176 - EXP.0015.0002.0537 - R Sheehan et al., 'Mental illness, challenging behaviour, and psychotropic drug prescribing in people with intellectual disability: UK population based cohort study' (2015) BMJ 1. EXHIBIT 4-177 - EXP.0015.0002.0546 - Xue Li et al., 'Emergency department presentation and readmission after index psychiatric admission: a data linkage study' (2018) BMJ Open 1. EXHIBIT 4-178 - EXP.0015.0002.0557 - K Williams et al., 'Hospitalisations from birth to 5 years in a population cohort of Western Australian children with intellectual disability' (2004) Arch Dis Child 1243. EXHIBIT 4-179 - EXP.0015.0002.0585 - AH Bittles et al., 'The Influence of Intellectual Disability on Life Expectancy' (2002) Journal of Gerontology 470. EXHIBIT 4-180 - EXP.0015.0002.0588 - S Woolfenden, 'A systematic review of two outcomes in autism spectrum disorder - epilepsy and mortality' (2012) Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 306. EXHIBIT 4-181 - EXP.0015.0002.0595 - Y In (Jane) Hwang, 'Mortality and cause of death of Australians on the Autism Spectrum' (2019) Autism Research 1. EXHIBIT 4-182 - EXP.0015.0002.0697 - S Reppermund et al., 'Representation of people with intellectual disability in Australian mental health policy' (2018) 52(7) Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 618. EXHIBIT 4-183 - EXP.0015.0002.0699 - A Dew, 'Current representation of people with intellectual disability in Australian Mental Health Policy: The Need for Inclusive Policy Development' (2018) Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities. EXHIBIT 4-185 - EXP.0020.0001.0123 - First Peoples Disability Network, Pro-forma for research participant information and consent EXHIBIT 4-186 - EXP.0020.0001.0125 - F Manganaro and A Agar, 'Diagnosing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)', (Research Brief, First Peoples Disability Network, 2020) EXHIBIT 4-188 - EXP.0020.0003.0008 - K Crenshaw (1991) 'Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence Against Women of Color' 43. Stanford Law Review. 1241 1990-1991. EXHIBIT 4-189 - EXP.0020.0004.0042 - S Jones, L Howard and G Thornicroft, (2008) ''Diagnostic overshadowing': Worse physical health care for people with mental illness.' Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavia, 118: 169-171. EXHIBIT 4-190 - EXP.0020.0002.0116 - Mason, J., and Scior, K. (2004) ''Diagnostic Overshadowing' Amongst Clinicians Working with People with Intellectual Disabilities in the UK.' Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. Vol 17:2, 85-90. EXHIBIT 4-191 - EXP.0020.0002.0112 - Coroner's Court of Western Australia, Inquest into the Death of Ms Dhu (Findings and recommendations, 2016) EXHIBIT 4-192 - EXP.0020.0002.0093_E - Coroner's Court of New South Wales, Inquest into the death of Mr David Dungay (Findings and recommendations, 2019) EXHIBIT 4-193 - EXP.0020.0002.0103 - Australian Bureau of Statistics, 'National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey 2014-2015' (Catalogue No. 4714.0, 27 March 2017) EXHIBIT 4-194 - EXP.0020.0002.0122 - Commonwealth Department of Health (2015) Implementation Plan for the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2013-2023, Australian Government, Canberra, 2015. EXHIBIT 4-195 - NCC.9999.0001.1051_E - Coroner's Court of New South Wales, Inquest into the death of Michelle McIlquham (2012) EXHIBIT 4-196 - IND.0018.0001.0001 - Mills and Cubbage, 'Delivering Better Health Outcomes for People with High Support Needs and/or Challenging Behaviour and their Families and Carers' (Microboards Australia, 2020) EXHIBIT 4-197 - RGP.0001.0001.0001 - Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, Abuse and violence: working with our patients in general practice (4th edition) EXHIBIT 4-198 - RGP.0001.0001.0153 - Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, Curriculum for Australian General Practice, 2016 EXHIBIT 4-199 - RGP.0001.0001.0243 - Remote Vocational Training Scheme Ltd , Handbook, 2020 EXHIBIT 4-200 - RGP.0001.0001.0284 - Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, Standards for the General Practice Training (2nd edition) EXHIBIT 4-201 - CEM.9999.0001.0001 - Australasian College of Emergency Medicine, Quality Standards for Emergency Departments and other Hospital-Based Emergency Care EXHIBIT 4-202 - RAC.0001.0001.0001 - Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Flexible Training Policy EXHIBIT 4-203 - RAC.0001.0001.0006 - Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Progression through Training Policy EXHIBIT 4-204 - RAC.0001.0001.0013 - Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Trainee in Difficulty Support (TIDS) Policy EXHIBIT 4-205 - RAC.0001.0001.0018 - Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Trainee in Difficulty Support Process EXHIBIT 4-206 - RAC.0001.0001.0025 - Royal Australasian College of Physicians, 'Training Support Pathway - Stage 1' (Web Page) EXHIBIT 4-207 - RAC.0001.0001.0035 - Medical Board of Australia, List of Specialities, Fields of Practice and Related Specialist Titles EXHIBIT 4-208 - RAC.0001.0001.0039 - Royal Australasian College of Physicians, 'Position Statement: Health and the National Disability Insurance Scheme' (December 2017 EXHIBIT 4-209 - RAC.0001.0001.0062 - RACP, Inquiry into the provision of services under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for people with psychosocial disabilities related to a mental health condition (Submission, February 2017) EXHIBIT 4-210 - RAC.0001.0001.0066 - Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Reconsideration Review and Appeals Process By-Law (approved October 2011, last amended 10 February 2017) EXHIBIT 4-211 - EXP.0014.0007.0001 - Department of Social Services, Right to Opportunity: Consultation report to help shape the next national disability strategy (Report) EXHIBIT 4-212 - DRC.1000.0002.9418 - NSW 2021 - A Plan to make NSW number one EXHIBIT 4-213 - DRC.1000.0002.9486 - National Disability Strategy NSW Implementation Plan 2012-2014 EXHIBIT 4-214 - DRC.1000.0002.9538 - Responding to Needs of People with Disability during Hospitalisation [NSW.0016.0190.0001] EXHIBIT 4-215 - DRC.1000.0002.9587 - NSW Health Policies with particular reference to Intellectual Disability EXHIBIT 4-216 - DRC.1000.0002.9594 - Clinical Guidelines - Pharmacological and adjunctive strategies for management of children and young people with an intellectual disability during medical investigations and procedures EXHIBIT 4-217 - DRC.1000.0002.9611 - Admission2Discharge Together Toolkit (subset of the A2D Project) EXHIBIT 4-218 - DRC.1000.0002.9614 - Funding a chair in intellectual disability mental health at UNSW EXHIBIT 4-219 - DRC.1000.0002.9615 - PD2005_406 Consent to Medical Treatment - Patient Information [NSW.0016.0012.0001] EXHIBIT 4-220 - EXP.0022.0001.0005 - NDIS Positive Behaviour Support Capability Framework EXHIBIT 4-221 - EXP.0022.0002.0168 - NDIS Practice Standards: NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators (v 3) EXHIBIT 4-222 - EXP.0022.0002.0001 - Health Mouths Healthy Lives: Australia's National Oral Health Plan 2015-2024 EXHIBIT 4-223 - EXP.0022.0001.0046 - Oral Health & Intellectual Disability: A Guide for Dental Practitioners EXHIBIT 4-224 - EXP.0022.0002.0106 - Your Dental Health: A Guide for People with Disability, their Family Carers, Friends and Advocates (Inclusion Melbourne) EXHIBIT 4-225 - EXP.0016.0005.0012 - Professor Julian Trollor and Dr Preeyaporn Srasuebkul, '2019 Federal Election Intellectual Disability Health Proposals: Projected Savings from Potential Reduction in Acute Separation' EXHIBIT 4-226 - EXP.0016.0005.0015 - KPMG, 'NSW Health: Analysis of costs and benefits of specialised disability health services and enhanced clinical leadership' EXHIBIT 4-227 - DRC.1000.0002.9658 - NDISQSC - Activity Report - 1 July 2019 to 31 December 2019 EXHIBIT 4-228 - DRC.1000.0001.9791 - Bilateral Agreement on Coordinated Care - NSW and Commonwealth EXHIBIT 4-229 - EXP.0016.0006.0001 - Discussion Paper on the Ethics of Limiting Life-Sustaining Treatment (National Health and Medical Research Council, 1988) EXHIBIT 4-230 - CTD.7200.0001.0161 - NDISQSC Engagement Framework November 2018 - 2020 (April 2019) EXHIBIT 4-231 - CTD.7200.0001.0197 - NDISQSC Compliance and Enforcement Policy (June 2019) EXHIBIT 4-232 - CTD.7200.0001.0210 - NDISQSC Corporate Plan 2018-2019 EXHIBIT 4-233 - CTD.7200.0001.0281 - NDISQSC Corporate Plan 2019-2020 EXHIBIT 4-234 - CTD.7200.0001.0307 - NDISQSC, 'Research: Causes and contributors to deaths of people with disability in Australia' (Web Page) EXHIBIT 4-235 - CTD.7200.0001.0311 - NDISQSC, 'Research: Causes and contributors to deaths of people with disability in Australia - NDIS Commission's response to recommendations' (Web Page) EXHIBIT 4-236 - CTD.7200.0001.0320 - Supports for NDIS Providers Program - Summary of grants awarded and grants available EXHIBIT 4-237 - CTD.0001.1000.0029 - Letter from Minister for Health to Australian Medical Council EXHIBIT 4-238 - CTD.0001.1000.0031 - Letter from Minister for Health to Council of Presidents of Medical Colleges EXHIBIT 4-239 - CTD.0001.1000.0033 - Letter from Minister for Health to Council of Deans of Nursing and Midwifery EXHIBIT 4-240 - CTD.0001.1000.0035 - Letter from Minister for Health to Medical Deans Australia and New Zealand EXHIBIT 4-241 - CTD.0001.1000.0037 - Email correspondence between Council of Deans of Nursing and Midwifery and Ministry of Health EXHIBIT 4-242 - CTD.0001.1000.0043 - Letter from Australian Medical Council and Minister for Health EXHIBIT 4-243 - CTD.0001.1000.0071 - Letter from Medical Deans Australia and New Zealand and Minister for Health EXHIBIT 4-244 - CTD.0001.1000.0081 - Primary Health Networks Program Complaints EXHIBIT 4-245 - CTD.0001.1000.0094 - Needs Assessment Guide (PHN Commissioning) EXHIBIT 4-246 - NSW.0017.0001.0001 - David Tune OA PSM, Review of the NDIS Act Report EXHIBIT 4-247 - NSW.0017.0003.0001 - Evaluation of the Intellectual Disability Health Teams and Clinical Network EXHIBIT 4-248 - NSW.0017.0005.0001 - SASH Program Guidelines EXHIBIT 4-249 - NSW.0017.0006.0001 - SASH Program - Clinical services information for LHD staff EXHIBIT 4-250 - NSW.0017.0007.0001 - SASH Program - General information for LHD staff EXHIBIT 4-251 - NSW.0017.0008.0001 - IB2018_056 Information Bulletin- Non-Admitted Patient Data Collection: Financial Class Classification and Code Standard Change EXHIBIT 4-252 - NSW.0017.0009.0001 - ISR Operations Manual EXHIBIT 4-253 - NSW.0017.0010.0001 - ISR Brochure EXHIBIT 4-254 - NSW.0017.0011.0001 - Final ISR Evaluation Report Phase One (November 2018) EXHIBIT 4-255 - NSW.0017.0012.0001 - ISR Evaluation Preliminary Findings Report (Phase Two) (2019) EXHIBIT 4-256 - NSW.0016.0001.0001 - Email from the Royal Commission of 10 December 2019 EXHIBIT 4-257 - NSW.0016.0002.0001 - Letter from the Royal Commission, dated 12 February 2020 EXHIBIT 4-258 - NSW.0016.0003.0001 - Organisational diagrams for the Ministry and NSW public health system EXHIBIT 4-259 - NSW.0016.0004.0001 - Map of 15 LHDs EXHIBIT 4-260 - NSW.0016.0005.0001 - Current determination of functions for ACI EXHIBIT 4-261 - NSW.0016.0006.0001 - Current determination of functions for CEC EXHIBIT 4-262 - NSW.0016.0007.0001 - Current determination of functions for HETI EXHIBIT 4-263 - NSW.0016.0008.0001 - Table of affiliated health organisations EXHIBIT 4-264 - NSW.0016.0009.0001 - PD2016_049 NSW Health Policy Directives and Other Policy Documents EXHIBIT 4-265 - NSW.0016.0010.0001 - GL2012_007 Animal Visits and Interventions in Public and Private Health Services in NSW EXHIBIT 4-266 - NSW.0016.0011.0001 - PD 2013_007 Child Wellbeing and Child Protection Policies and Procedures for NSW Health EXHIBIT 4-267 - NSW.0016.0013.0001 - PD2019_045 Discharge Planning and Transfer of Care for Consumers of NSW Health Mental Health Services EXHIBIT 4-268 - NSW.0016.0014.0001 - PD2011_027 EnableNSW-Assistive Technology for Communication, Mobility, Respiratory Function & Self-Care EXHIBIT 4-270 - NSW.0016.0015.0001 - Healthy Safe and Well, a strategic health plan for children, young people and families EXHIBIT 4-271 - NSW.0016.0016.0001 - PD2020_001 Identifying and responding to abuse of older people EXHIBIT 4-272 - NSW.0016.0017.0001 - IB2019_031 Identifying the Carer at Patient Registration EXHIBIT 4-273 - NSW.0016.0018.0001 - PD2019_041 Integrated Prevention and Response to Violence, Abuse and Neglect Framework EXHIBIT 4-274 - NSW.0016.0019.0001 - PD2017_044 Interpreters - Standard Procedures for Working with Health Care Interpreters EXHIBIT 4-275 - NSW.0016.0020.0001 - GL2014_010 NSW Acute to Aged Related Care Services Practice Guidelines EXHIBIT 4-276 - NSW.0016.0021.0001 - GL2013_001 NSW Health and Aging and Disability and Home Care Joint Guideline EXHIBIT 4-277 - NSW.0016.0023.0001 - PD2011_022 NSW Health Policy Directive Your Health Rights and Responsibilities EXHIBIT 4-278 - NSW.0016.0024.0001 - NSW Health Recognition and Support for Carers Key Directions 2018 - 2020 EXHIBIT 4-279 - NSW.0016.0025.0001 - PD2019_018 NSW Plan for Healthy Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities: 2019-2023 EXHIBIT 4-280 - NSW.0016.0026.0001 - NSW Womens Health Framework 2019 EXHIBIT 4-281 - NSW.0016.0027.0001 - PD2017_019 NSW Youth Health Framework 2017-24 EXHIBIT 4-282 - NSW.0016.0028.0001 - PD2011_001 Provision of services to people with an intellectual disability and mental illness - MOU and Guidelines EXHIBIT 4-283 - NSW.0016.0030.0001 - PD2017_040 Recruitment and Selection of Staff to the NSW Health Service EXHIBIT 4-284 - NSW.0016.0031.0001 - PD2020_006 Responding to Sexual Assault (Adult and Child) Policy and Procedures EXHIBIT 4-285 - NSW.0016.0032.0001 - PD2013_038 Sexual Safety - Responsibilities and Minimum Requirements for Mental Health Services EXHIBIT 4-286 - NSW.0016.0033.0001 - GL2013_012 Sexual Safety of Mental Health Consumers Guidelines EXHIBIT 4-287 - NSW.0016.0034.0001 - PD2019_008 The first 2000 Days Framework EXHIBIT 4-288 - NSW.0016.0035.0001 - GL2017_013 The Guardianship Application Process for Adult Inpatients of NSW Health Facilities EXHIBIT 4-289 - NSW.0016.0036.0001 - PD2019_052 Violence, Abuse and Neglect Service Standards EXHIBIT 4-290 - NSW.0016.0037.0001 - PD2011_022 Your Health Rights and Responsibilities EXHIBIT 4-291 - NSW.0016.0039.0001 - Draft Consent to Medical and Healthcare Treatment Manual EXHIBIT 4-292 - NSW.0016.0040.0001 - Consent Forms - Annexure A to F of the Manual EXHIBIT 4-293 - NSW.0016.0041.0001 - PD2005_608 Patient Safety and Clinical Quality Program EXHIBIT 4-294 - NSW.0016.0042.0001 - PD2006_073 Complaint Management Policy Directive EXHIBIT 4-295 - NSW.0016.0043.0001 - GL2006_023 Complaint Management Guidelines EXHIBIT 4-296 - NSW.0016.0044.0001 - Draft Updated Complaint Management Policy Directive EXHIBIT 4-297 - NSW.0016.0045.0001 - Draft Updated Complaint Management Guidelines EXHIBIT 4-298 - NSW.0016.0046.0001 - PD2019_034 Incident management policy EXHIBIT 4-299 - NSW.0016.0047.0001 - PD2018_031 Managing Misconduct EXHIBIT 4-300 - NSW.0016.0048.0001 - PD2018_032 Managing Complaints and Concerns about Clinicians EXHIBIT 4-301 - NSW.0016.0049.0001 - PD2014_028 Open disclosure EXHIBIT 4-302 - NSW.0016.0050.0001 - PD2016_025 Child Related Allegations, Charges and Convictions against NSW Health Staff EXHIBIT 4-303 - NSW.0016.0051.0001 - PD2013_036 Service Check Register EXHIBIT 4-304 - NSW.0016.0052.0001 - PD2013_043 Medication Handling in NSW Public Health Facilities EXHIBIT 4-305 - NSW.0016.0053.0001 - Executed 2015_16 Service Agreement - CCLHD EXHIBIT 4-306 - NSW.0016.0054.0001 - Executed 2016_17 Service Agreement - CCLHD EXHIBIT 4-307 - NSW.0016.0055.0001 - Executed 2017 18 Service Agreement - CCLHD EXHIBIT 4-308 - NSW.0016.0056.0001 - Executed 2018 19 Service Agreement - CCLHD EXHIBIT 4-309 - NSW.0016.0057.0001 - Executed 2019 20 Service Agreement -CCLHD EXHIBIT 4-310 - NSW.0016.0058.0001 - Executed 2015_16 Service Agreement - FWLHD EXHIBIT 4-311 - NSW.0016.0059.0001 - Executed 2016_17 Service Agreement -FWLHD EXHIBIT 4-312 - NSW.0016.0060.0001 - Executed 2017 18 Service Agreement - FWLHD EXHIBIT 4-313 - NSW.0016.0061.0001 - Executed 2018 19 Service Agreement - FWLHD EXHIBIT 4-314 - NSW.0016.0062.0001 - Executed 2019 20 Service Agreement - FWLHD EXHIBIT 4-315 - NSW.0016.0063.0001 - Executed 2015_16 Service Agreement - HNELHD EXHIBIT 4-316 - NSW.0016.0064.0001 - Executed 2016_17 Service Agreement - HNELHD EXHIBIT 4-317 - NSW.0016.0065.0001 - Executed 2017 18 Service Agreement - HNELHD EXHIBIT 4-318 - NSW.0016.0066.0001 - Executed 2018 19 Service Agreement - HNELHD EXHIBIT 4-319 - NSW.0016.0067.0001 - Executed 2019 20 Service Agreement -HNELHD EXHIBIT 4-320 - NSW.0016.0068.0001 - Executed 2015_16 Service Agreement - ISLHD EXHIBIT 4-321 - NSW.0016.0069.0001 - Executed 2016_17 Service Agreement - ISLHD EXHIBIT 4-322 - NSW.0016.0070.0001 - Executed 2017 18 Service Agreement - ISLHD EXHIBIT 4-323 - NSW.0016.0071.0001 - Executed 2018 19 Service Agreement - ISLHD EXHIBIT 4-324 - NSW.0016.0072.0001 - Executed 2019 20 Service Agreement -ISLHD EXHIBIT 4-325 - NSW.0016.0073.0001 - Executed 2015_16 Service Agreement - MNCLHD EXHIBIT 4-326 - NSW.0016.0074.0001 - Executed 2016_17 Service Agreement - MNCLHD EXHIBIT 4-327 - NSW.0016.0075.0001 - Executed 2017 18 Service Agreement - MNCLHD EXHIBIT 4-328 - NSW.0016.0076.0001 - Executed 2018 19 Service Agreement - MNCLHD EXHIBIT 4-329 - NSW.0016.0077.0001 - Executed 2019 20 Service Agreement -MNCLHD EXHIBIT 4-330 - NSW.0016.0078.0001 - Executed 2015_16 Service Agreement - MLHD EXHIBIT 4-331 - NSW.0016.0079.0001 - Executed 2016_17 Service Agreement - MLHD EXHIBIT 4-332 - NSW.0016.0080.0001 - Executed 2017 18 Service Agreement - MLHD EXHIBIT 4-333 - NSW.0016.0081.0001 - Executed 2018 19 Service Agreement - MLHD EXHIBIT 4-334 - NSW.0016.0082.0001 - Executed 2019 20 Service Agreement -MLHD EXHIBIT 4-335 - NSW.0016.0083.0001 - Executed 2015_16 Service Agreement - NBMLHD EXHIBIT 4-336 - NSW.0016.0084.0001 - Executed 2016_17 Service Agreement - NBMLHD EXHIBIT 4-337 - NSW.0016.0085.0001 - Executed 2017 18 Service Agreement - NBMLHD (amended on 4 09 17) EXHIBIT 4-338 - NSW.0016.0086.0001 - Executed 2018 19 Service Agreement - NBMLHD EXHIBIT 4-339 - NSW.0016.0087.0001 - Executed 2019 20 Service Agreement - NBMLHD EXHIBIT 4-340 - NSW.0016.0088.0001 - Executed 2015_16 Service Agreement - NNSWLHD EXHIBIT 4-341 - NSW.0016.0089.0001 - Executed 2016_17 Service Agreement - NNSWLHD EXHIBIT 4-342 - NSW.0016.0090.0001 - Executed 2017 18 Service Agreement - NNSWLHD EXHIBIT 4-343 - NSW.0016.0091.0001 - Executed 2018 19 Service Agreement - NNSWLHD EXHIBIT 4-344 - NSW.0016.0092.0001 - Executed 2019 20 Service Agreement - NNSWLHD EXHIBIT 4-345 - NSW.0016.0093.0001 - Executed 2015_16 Service Agreement - NSLHD EXHIBIT 4-346 - NSW.0016.0094.0001 - Executed 2016_17 Service Agreement - NSLHD EXHIBIT 4-347 - NSW.0016.0095.0001 - Executed 2017 18 Service Agreement - NSLHD EXHIBIT 4-348 - NSW.0016.0096.0001 - Executed 2018 19 Service Agreement - NSLHD EXHIBIT 4-349 - NSW.0016.0097.0001 - Executed 2019 20 Service Agreement - NSLHD EXHIBIT 4-350 - NSW.0016.0098.0001 - Executed 2015_16 Service Agreement - SESLHD EXHIBIT 4-351 - NSW.0016.0099.0001 - Executed 2016_17 Service Agreement - SESLHD EXHIBIT 4-352 - NSW.0016.0100.0001 - Executed 2017 18 Service Agreement - SESLHD EXHIBIT 4-353 - NSW.0016.0101.0001 - Executed 2018 19 Service Agreement - SESLHD EXHIBIT 4-354 - NSW.0016.0102.0001 - Executed 2019 20 Service Agreement - SESLHD EXHIBIT 4-355 - NSW.0016.0103.0001 - Executed 2015_16 Service Agreement - SLHD EXHIBIT 4-356 - NSW.0016.0104.0001 - Executed 2016_17 Service Agreement - SLHD EXHIBIT 4-357 - NSW.0016.0105.0001 - Executed 2017 18 Service Agreement - SLHD EXHIBIT 4-358 - NSW.0016.0106.0001 - Executed 2018 19 Service Agreement - SLHD EXHIBIT 4-359 - NSW.0016.0107.0001 - Executed 2019 20 Service Agreement - SLHD EXHIBIT 4-360 - NSW.0016.0108.0001 - Executed 2015_16 Service Agreement - SNSWLHD EXHIBIT 4-361 - NSW.0016.0109.0001 - Executed 2016_17 Service Agreement - SNSWLHD EXHIBIT 4-362 - NSW.0016.0110.0001 - Executed 2017 18 Service Agreement - SNSWLHD EXHIBIT 4-363 - NSW.0016.0111.0001 - Executed 2018 19 Service Agreement - SNSWLHD EXHIBIT 4-364 - NSW.0016.0112.0001 - Executed 2019 20 Service Agreement - SNSWLHD EXHIBIT 4-365 - NSW.0016.0113.0001 - Executed 2015_16 Service Agreement - SWSLHD EXHIBIT 4-366 - NSW.0016.0114.0001 - Executed 2016_17 Service Agreement - SWSLHD EXHIBIT 4-367 - NSW.0016.0115.0001 - Executed 2017 18 Service Agreement - SWSLHD EXHIBIT 4-368 - NSW.0016.0116.0001 - Executed 2018 19 Service Agreement - SWSLHD EXHIBIT 4-369 - NSW.0016.0117.0001 - Executed 2019 20 Service Agreement - SWSLHD EXHIBIT 4-370 - NSW.0016.0118.0001 - Executed 2015_16 Service Agreement - WNSWLHD EXHIBIT 4-371 - NSW.0016.0119.0001 - Executed 2016_17 Service Agreement - WNSWLHD EXHIBIT 4-372 - NSW.0016.0120.0001 - Executed 2017 18 Service Agreement - WNSWLHD EXHIBIT 4-373 - NSW.0016.0121.0001 - Executed 2018 19 Service Agreement - WNSWLHD EXHIBIT 4-374 - NSW.0016.0122.0001 - Executed 2019 20 Service Agreement - WNSWLHD EXHIBIT 4-375 - NSW.0016.0123.0001 - Executed 2015_16 Service Agreement - WSLHD EXHIBIT 4-376 - NSW.0016.0124.0001 - Executed 2016_17 Service Agreement - WSLHD EXHIBIT 4-377 - NSW.0016.0125.0001 - Executed 2017 18 Service Agreement - WSLHD EXHIBIT 4-378 - NSW.0016.0126.0001 - Executed 2018 19 Service Agreement - WSLHD EXHIBIT 4-379 - NSW.0016.0127.0001 - Executed 2019 20 Service Agreement - WSLHD EXHIBIT 4-380 - NSW.0016.0128.0001 - Executed 2015_16 Service Agreement - JH&FMHN EXHIBIT 4-381 - NSW.0016.0129.0001 - Executed 2016_17 Service Agreement - JH&FMHN EXHIBIT 4-382 - NSW.0016.0130.0001 - Executed 2017 18 Service Agreement - JH&FMHN EXHIBIT 4-383 - NSW.0016.0131.0001 - Executed 2018 19 Service Agreement - JH&FMHN EXHIBIT 4-384 - NSW.0016.0132.0001 - Executed 2019 20 Service Agreement - JHFMHN EXHIBIT 4-385 - NSW.0016.0133.0001 - Executed 2015_16 Service Agreement - SCHN EXHIBIT 4-386 - NSW.0016.0134.0001 - Executed 2016_17 Service Agreement - SCHN EXHIBIT 4-387 - NSW.0016.0135.0001 - Executed 2017 18 Service Agreement - SCHN EXHIBIT 4-388 - NSW.0016.0136.0001 - Executed 2018 19 Service Agreement - SCHN EXHIBIT 4-389 - NSW.0016.0137.0001 - Executed 2019 20 Service Agreement - SCHN EXHIBIT 4-390 - NSW.0016.0138.0001 - Executed 2017 18 Performance Agreement - ACI EXHIBIT 4-391 - NSW.0016.0139.0001 - Executed 2018 19 Performance Agreement - ACI EXHIBIT 4-392 - NSW.0016.0140.0001 - Executed 2019 20 Performance Agreement - ACI EXHIBIT 4-393 - NSW.0016.0141.0001 - Executed 2017 18 Performance Agreement - BHI EXHIBIT 4-394 - NSW.0016.0142.0001 - Executed 2018 19 Performance Agreement - BHI EXHIBIT 4-395 - NSW.0016.0143.0001 - Executed 2019 20 Performance Agreement - BHI EXHIBIT 4-396 - NSW.0016.0144.0001 - Executed 2017 18 Performance Agreement - CEC EXHIBIT 4-397 - NSW.0016.0145.0001 - Executed 2018 19 Performance Agreement - CEC EXHIBIT 4-398 - NSW.0016.0146.0001 - Executed 2019 20 Performance Agreement - CEC EXHIBIT 4-399 - NSW.0016.0147.0001 - Executed 2017 18 Performance Agreement - CINSW EXHIBIT 4-400 - NSW.0016.0148.0001 - Executed 2018 19 Performance Agreement - CINSW EXHIBIT 4-401 - NSW.0016.0149.0001 - Executed 2019 20 Performance Agreement - CINSW EXHIBIT 4-402 - NSW.0016.0150.0001 - Executed 2017 18 Performance Agreement - HETI EXHIBIT 4-403 - NSW.0016.0151.0001 - Executed 2018 19 Performance Agreement - HETI EXHIBIT 4-404 - NSW.0016.0152.0001 - Executed 2019 20 Performance Agreement - HETI EXHIBIT 4-405 - NSW.0016.0153.0001 - Executed 2015_16 Service Agreement - Ambulance Service of NSW EXHIBIT 4-406 - NSW.0016.0154.0001 - Executed 2016_17 Service Agreement - Ambulance Service of NSW EXHIBIT 4-407 - NSW.0016.0155.0001 - Executed 2017 18 Service Agreement - Ambulance Service of NSW EXHIBIT 4-408 - NSW.0016.0156.0001 - Executed 2018 19 Service Agreement - NSW Ambulance EXHIBIT 4-409 - NSW.0016.0157.0001 - Executed 2019 20 Service Agreement - NSW Ambulance EXHIBIT 4-410 - NSW.0016.0158.0001 - Executed 2017 18 Statement of Service - eHealth NSW EXHIBIT 4-411 - NSW.0016.0159.0001 - Executed 2018 19 Statement of Service - eHealth NSW EXHIBIT 4-412 - NSW.0016.0160.0001 - Executed 2019 20 Statement of Service - eHealth NSW EXHIBIT 4-413 - NSW.0016.0161.0001 - Executed 2017 18 Statement of Service - HealthShare NSW EXHIBIT 4-414 - NSW.0016.0162.0001 - Executed 2018 19 Statement of Service - HealthShare NSW EXHIBIT 4-415 - NSW.0016.0163.0001 - Executed 2019 20 Statement of Service - HealthShare NSW EXHIBIT 4-416 - NSW.0016.0164.0001 - Executed 2017 18 Statement of Service - NSWHP EXHIBIT 4-417 - NSW.0016.0165.0001 - Executed 2018 19 Statement of Service - NSWHP EXHIBIT 4-418 - NSW.0016.0166.0001 - Executed 2019 20 Statement of Service - NSWHP EXHIBIT 4-419 - NSW.0016.0167.0001 - Executed 2018 19 Statement of Service - HI EXHIBIT 4-420 - NSW.0016.0168.0001 - Executed 2019 20 Statement of Service - HI EXHIBIT 4-421 - NSW.0016.0169.0001 - Executed 2015_16 Service Agreement - SVHN EXHIBIT 4-422 - NSW.0016.0170.0001 - Executed 2016_17 Service Agreement - SVHN EXHIBIT 4-423 - NSW.0016.0171.0001 - Executed 2017 18 Service Agreement - SVHN EXHIBIT 4-424 - NSW.0016.0172.0001 - Executed 2018 19 Service Agreement - SVHN EXHIBIT 4-425 - NSW.0016.0173.0001 - Executed 2019 20 Service Agreement - SVHN EXHIBIT 4-426 - NSW.0016.0174.0001 - Statewide Report HETI My Health Learning resources in the area of disability 08.01.2020 EXHIBIT 4-427 - NSW.0016.0175.0001 - CCLHD Local education and training resources in the area of disability EXHIBIT 4-428 - NSW.0016.0176.0001 - HNELHD Local education and training resources in the area of disability EXHIBIT 4-429 - NSW.0016.0177.0001 - ISLHD Local education and training resources in the area of disability December2019 EXHIBIT 4-430 - NSW.0016.0178.0001 - MNCLHD Local education and training resources in the area of disability December2019 EXHIBIT 4-431 - NSW.0016.0179.0001 - NBMLHD Local education and training resources in the area of disability EXHIBIT 4-432 - NSW.0016.0180.0001 - SESLHD Local education and training resources in the area of disability EXHIBIT 4-433 - NSW.0016.0181.0001 - SLHD Local education and training resources in the area of disability EXHIBIT 4-434 - NSW.0016.0182.0001 - SNSWLHD Local education and training in the area of disability 2018-19 EXHIBIT 4-435 - NSW.0016.0183.0001 - WNSWLHD Local education and training resources in the area of disability EXHIBIT 4-436 - NSW.0016.0184.0001 - SCHN Local education and training resources in the area of disability EXHIBIT 4-437 - NSW.0016.0185.0001 - NSW Ambulance Local education and training resources in the area of disability EXHIBIT 4-438 - NSW.0016.0186.0001 - NSW Education Centre Against Violence Disability related training Jan 2020 EXHIBIT 4-439 - NSW.0016.0187.0001 - Summary of ACI ID Resources, education and training EXHIBIT 4-440 - NSW.0016.0189.0001 - PD2015_049 NSW Health Code of Conduct EXHIBIT 4-441 - NSW.0016.0191.0001 - Changes to PD2017_001 Hospitalisation Policy EXHIBIT 4-442 - NSW.0016.0193.0001 - NSW Health responses to 24 recommendations of the roundtable EXHIBIT 4-443 - NSW.0016.0194.0001 - NSW Health Privacy Leaflet for Patients EXHIBIT 4-444 - NSW.0016.0195.0001 - Direction under the PPIP Act for the exchange of personal information to assist in the transition of funded individuals to the NDIS EXHIBIT 4-445 - NSW.0016.0196.0001 - Direction under the HRIP Act for the exchange of health information to assist in the transition of funded individuals to the NDIS EXHIBIT 4-446 - CTD.7200.0001.0262 - Request for Quotation EXHIBIT 4-447 - CTD.7200.0001.0250 - Official Order EXHIBIT 4-448 - CTD.0001.1000.0191 - Communique - Disability Reform Council EXHIBIT 4-449 - CTD.0001.1000.0565 - Fact Sheet: How the NDIS and health services work together EXHIBIT 4-450 - CTD.0001.1000.0015 - Pro forma - medical health assessment for people with intellectual disability EXHIBIT 4-451 - CTD.0001.1000.0023 - A GP and Allied Health Professional's guide to the NDIS