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Final public hearing releases case study findings

The Disability Royal Commission has today released a Commissioners’ report on Public hearing 33, which makes three findings and five recommendations in relation to the case study of two young men with disability, Kaleb and Jonathon (pseudonyms).

The final substantive public hearing, Public hearing 33, was held in Brisbane on 8 to 10 May 2023 and explored why and how Kaleb and Jonathon experienced violence, abuse, neglect and the deprivation of their human rights.

After a Triple Zero call from a family friend, the two young men were found locked in their bedroom unclothed and malnourished. Their father (also their carer) was found deceased in the home.

The report found that the State of Queensland could have, and should have, done more to prevent Kaleb and Jonathon from experiencing violence, abuse, neglect and the deprivation of their human rights.

Recommendations in the report include:

  • Better training for relevant frontline staff to understand unconscious and conscious bias and how discrimination occurs

  • Giving people with disability, particularly children and young people, a greater say in the development and review of child protection practices and policies

  • Expanding the Child Advocate scheme

  • The State of Queensland should acknowledge and apologise for the suffering experienced by Kaleb and Jonathon.

The report is available on the Royal Commission’s website.

The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability is due to hand its Final Report to the Governor-General by Friday, 29 September.

Please direct all inquiries to the Disability Royal Commission media team on 0436 841 166 or via our email